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Account Summary

The Account Summary report shows the average MOT scores by account. This is showing the percentage of the max score average, not the estimated SEQ scores. Use the SEQ reports and filter by survey and check off the "Include Estimated Scores" option to see average Estimated SEQ values for MOT surveys. 

Question Detail

The Question Detail report shows the averages of all survey questions. View the questions on the y-axis and the score from 1 to 10 on the x-axis. Each question is categorized into one of the 6 Dimensions (colors indicated below the graph). Use the "Pick Survey" dropdown on the top left to change the survey you are viewing questions from.

Contact Detail

The Contact Detail report is a table of contacts who have submitted MOT survey responses. You can filter by date, survey, account, etc. to see specific results.

Open Text Responses

The Open Text Responses report is just like the regular survey open text report, but these responses are only from Moment of Truth surveys. 

MOT Dimension

The MOT Dimension report shows the average score for each dimension. It uses the scores of all the questions that were asked in your MOT surveys. If you hover over the bars in the graph you can see more statistics for each dimension. 

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