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Getting Started on Encompass-CX

First, let's log in...once you get an email invitation to the Encompass-CX platform, you can login. Use the same email we sent the invite to and create your own password. You may need to set up two-factor authentication too. Bookmark the url

Encompass-CX Login Page.png

Let's upload some client on the Admin Controls section, then go to Upload Data. Here you can download the templates and upload your User, Account, and Contact information. Use the field selection to align your upload with our data fields. 

Encompass-CX Upload Data.png

Now we can start collecting send the survey to the contacts you just uploaded, go to Admin Controls and click Launches. Create a new launch, select your survey, messages, and then select contacts from your list. 

Encompass-CX New Launch.png

Once you have feedback...give your contacts some time to respond to the survey. Once you start getting responses, data will start populating in your dashboard. Watch this video to learn more about the Encompass-CX platform and what your data means. 

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