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Action Planning

If you have Action Planning applied to your Tasks, this is the workflow to complete your Action Planning process.

1. Under the Tasks item in the Navigation bar, either select My Tasks if you are the owner of the relationship, or Team Tasks if you are a manager of relationship owners.

2. The relationship owner must begin the Action Planning process by clicking on Create Action Plan button. 

3. Here they will enter a Due Date, the Root Cause, and their Action Plan. Then hit Submit for Approval to send it to the manager for further steps. 

4. The manager can go to their Team Tasks page and will see a pending Task under the Open Tasks tab. Click on the Task number to go to this Task's page.

5. On this page the manager will click Review Action Plan

6. They will then be able to review the Action Plan from this user and add their own comments. They can then hit Revise & Resubmit if they think the Action Plan needs more work or they can hit Approve Action Plan.

7. The relationship owner will now have to revise their Action Plan. They can see which need to be revise indicated by the red text "revise" in the state column. 

8. The relationship owner must make edits to their Action Plan and resubmit for approval. 

9. The manager can review the Action Plan again and their ask for more revisions or approve it.

10. Once approved, the relationship owner can Submit for Closure. This step happens after they have executed their approved Action Plan. They must explain the action they took and the contact's reactions

11. The manager is then able to submit their owner comments for closure. They can either ask the user to Revise & Resubmit or they can Resolve and Close the Task. 

Note: You will know the Task has been closed if it doesn't show under the Open Tasks tab. You can always find closed tasks under the Completed Tasks tab. 

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